Setting an example together. With the PINK CHARITY EDITION, we are supporting Pink Ribbon World Wide Awareness in the fight against breast cancer.

Where can I get the Pink Charity Edition?

The bright pink Special Edition of our kitchen classics is available at all participating retailers or directly from RÖSLE! Let’s set an example together!

Spatula silicone pink 26 cm | 10.2 in.
Whisk silicone pink 27 cm | 10.6 in.
Spatula silicone pink 26 cm | 10.2 in.
Bowls Set with airtight lids from glass 2 pieces Ø 20, 24 cm I 8.0, 9.5 in.
€69.95 €99.95
Chocolate runs wide from the Pink Charity dough scraper
Dough scraper Pink Charity with chocolate coating lies next to brownies
Pink beetroot soup in Silence Pro 24cm saucepan is stirred with Pink Charity whisk
Whisk and Dough Scraper Pink Charity on a Table

Made with RÖSLE

Juicy brownies with beetroot

The brownie batter not only contains lots of chocolate, but also a large portion of beetroot. This pink vegetable ensures that the brownies are really juicy. Don't worry, the typical beetroot flavour is barely noticeable, if at all. The pink vegetable only serves to make the brownies nice and juicy.

Brownies with rose petals
Henning Klempp

As a company, it is important for us to assume social responsibility. We want to support this cause and draw attention to the breast cancer issue.

Hennig Klempp, Managing Director RÖSLE.
Women hold the whisk Pink Charity

We´re supporting the cause! Will you join us?

There are several ways you can support Pink Ribbon Germany.  Every bit of help counts. For more early breast cancer detection! Because it can save lives.

Donation account:
Hypovereinsbank Marktoberdorf
DE27 7342 0071 6160 1001 58